Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences

Doctoral Program in Biosphere Resource Science and Technology

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The Division of Biosphere Resource Science and Technology consists of a total of 21 professional disciplines (or fields of research), some of which are included in the cooperative graduate school program. The doctoral program covers two major fields: Biological Resource Science and Biosphere Environment Science.

Biological Resource Science

Biological Resource Science focuses on the disciplines of plant genetics and breeding, crop science, olericulture and floriculture, pomology and postharvest physiology of fruits, animal science, crop production system, plant molecular biology, metabolic network biology, disease vector control, and epigenetics, the objectives of this section of the program are education and research on molecular biology, genetics, physiology, and ecology in plants, animals, and insects from the viewpoints of practical use, sustainable agriculture production, and environmental conservation in natural ecosystems and agro-ecosystems.

Biosphere Environment Science

Biosphere Environmental Science focuses on the disciplines of plant parasitic mycology, applied entomology and zoology, environmental soil chemistry, environmental plant biochemistry, forest ecotopology, and conservation of regional resources; the objectives of this field of the program are education and comprehensive analysis of biosphere factors, and development of sustainable control and management systems for these factors.

Cooperative graduate school programs

Also, five professional disciplines within the cooperative graduate school program provide specific topics on functional analysis of agro-forest microoganisms, plant stress biology, international food production and development sciences, functional utilization of beneficial insects, and climate change impact assessment on vegetation.

Message from the Chair



本専攻の特徴は「多様性」にあります。畑から森林、生物群集から個体、そして遺伝子というように様々な「農」に関わる研究分野で構成されています。その多様性のなかで、創造性豊かな優れた研究・開発能力を持ち、産業界や行政など多様な研究・教育機関の中核を担う研究者や、確かな教育 能力と研究能力を兼ね備えた大学教員の養成を行う課程としての役割を担うことを目指しています。グローバル化への対応も進めますが、大学が目指すグローバル化というビジョンと本専攻の多くの教員が研究フィールドとするアジアなどのローカルな現実に根ざした国際化を結びつける教育・研究を進めていきたいと思います。

博士課程修了者の進路先として、企業,ジャーナリズム,行政機関,国際機関といった社会の多様な場を想定した教育内容・方法を進めたいと思います。一方、 社会で活躍されている社会人の方々に、企業・官庁等に籍をおきながらこれまでの実績・経験を生かしつつ、産学協同の体制のもとに研究をまとめ、 博士号の学位取得を目指せる社会人大学院生の受け入れを積極的に進めていきたいと考えています。


Fields of research

Biological Resource Science Field

  • Study on conservation and efficient utilization of genetic resources
  • Genetic analysis of important traits in crops
  • Development of new cultivars and breeding materials with useful agronomic traits
  • Pollination biology for seed multiplication of crops
  • Physiological and ecological research for raising grain yield and quality of crop plants
  • Physiological research on the mechanisms and control of Stress tolerance in crop plants
  • Molecular and physiological dissections of useful traits involved in agricultural production in vegetables and ornamentals
  • Development of genetic engineering and intensive production technologies for vegetables and ornamentals
  • Genetics and genomics for fleshy fruit (Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae) research and development
  • Physiology of fruit during pre- and postharvest
  • Environmental and chemical growth regulation on fruit trees
  • Propagation of woody plants
  • Studies on reproduction and their applications for the conservation of animal genetic resources
  • Holistic approaches toward the development of sustainable animal production system
  • Development of the novel healthy lean meat production system
  • Establishment of sustainable crop production systems with conscious of environment load
  • Development and utilization of high level and stable production systems on millets and regional special crops
  • Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in heterosis
  • Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in sexual plant reproduction
  • Epigenetic engineering of plant development
  • Genetic analysis of important agronomic traits in crops and vegetables
  • Development of analytical platforms to capture quantitative and qualitative changes of metabolite levels
  • Metabolic network biology using “omics” datasets
  • Hormonal and nutritional regulation of reproduction in ticks and other arthropods
  • Immune responses and their regulatory mechanisms in ticks and other arthropods
  • Effects of nutrition and immune regulatory mechanisms on the vector capacity of ticks
  • Defining promoter and polycomb recruiting cis acting elements at FLC chromatin
  • Function of Polycomb recruiting elements in Arabidopsis
  • Epigenetic mechanism for quantitative and priming memory of Vernalization insensitive 3
  • Molecular elucidation of stress tolerance mechanisms in plants
  • Development of environmental stress-tolerant crops
  • Morphological and physiological characterization of cowpea breeding materials for the development of machine-harvestable varieties
  • Physiological mechanism of tuber initiation and growth of White Guinea yam, Dioscorea rotundata

Biosphere Environmental Science Field

  • Systematics of plant parasitic fungi including symbiotic fungi, particularly rust fungi, blue stain fungi, endopytes and mycorrhizal fungi
  • Studies on ecology and physiology of these fungi
  • Functional analysis of genes associated with disease resistance in plant
  • Biological control and chemical ecological approaches in pest management
  • Insect immune mechanisms against pathogens and parasitoids
  • Elucidating volatile compound-mediated plant-plant and plant-insect communications using molecular biology approaches
  • Enviromental chemistry of forest soils
  • Soil ecological studies on soil organic mastter
  • Soil conservation under grassland in Eurasian steppe
  • Effect of endophytic microbes on heavy-metal stress tolerance in plants
  • Effect of endophytic microbes on environmental stress tolerance in plants
  • Effect of endophytic microbes on radio Cs accumulation in plants
  • Dynamics and function of forest ecosystem
  • Vegetation science and management
  • Conservation and restoration of arid and semi-arid ecosystem
  • Conservation of endangered species
  • Conservation genetics of tropical tree species, and phylogeography of fores tree species and genetic study of local adaptation
  • Study on conservation of regional resources
  • Wildlife management and biodiversity conservation
  • Studies on wood decay mechanisms, ecology and physiology of wood decaying fungi
  • Studies on effects of forest managements on wood-inhabiting fungi
  • Studies on taxonomy and phylogeny of wood decaying fungi
  • Improvement of Honeybee health for the advancement of apiculture
  • Genetic improvement in charcteristics of honeybees to Contribute to apiculture
  • Research on characterization and utilization of pollinator insects
  • Relations between distributions of forest vegetation and climatic conditions
  • Impact assessment and adaptation planning of climate change on forest ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Ecological study on the beech forests at their northern natural range limit


Biological Resource Science Field

Plant Breeding Assoc ProfYOSHIOKA Yosuke
Asst ProfTSUDA Mai
Crop Science ProfNOMURA Koji
Asst ProfKATO Morio
Olericulture and Floriculture ProfEZURA Hiroshi
ProfFUKUDA Naoya
Assoc ProfKANG Seung Won
Asst ProfNONAKA Satoko
Asst ProfLombardo Fabien Claude Renaud
Asst ProfTAKAYAMA Mariko
Asst ProfSUGIMOTO Koichi
Pomology and Postharvest Physiology of Fruit ProfSUGAYA Sumiko
Asst ProfSEKOZAWA Yoshihiko
Animal Science Asst ProfASANO Atsushi
Plant Molecular Biology ProfSHIBA Hiroshi
Metabolic Network Biology ProfKUSANO Miyako
Asst ProfWANG Ning
Epigenetics Assoc ProfDiana Mihaela Buzas
Plant Stress BiologyProfFUJITA Yasunari
Animal Functional BiologyProfSAKUMOTO Ryosuke
Environmental AgronomyAssoc ProfMINAMIKAWA Kazunori

Biosphere Environmental Science Field

Plant Parasitic Mycology Assoc ProfOKANE Izumi
Asst ProfABE Junichi Peter
Applied Entomology and Zoology Assoc ProfFURUKAWA Seiichi
Asst ProfKINOSHITA Natsuko
Asst ProfKURAMITSU Kazumu
Environmental Soil ChemistryProfTAMURA Kenji
Asst ProfASANO Maki
Environmental Plant Biochemistry ProfYAMAJI Keiko
Forest Ecotopology ProfKAMIJO Takashi
Assoc ProfSAEKI Ikuyo
Asst ProfKAWADA Kiyokazu
Conservation of Regional Resources ProfTSUMURA Yoshihiko
Assoc ProfSEINO Tatsuyuki
Assoc ProfTSUDA Yoshiaki
Asst ProfKADOWAKI Seishi
Functional Utilization of Beneficial InsectsProfKIMURA Kiyoshi
Functional Analysis of Agro-forest MicroorganismsProfHATTORI Tsutomu
Climate Change Impact Assessment on VegetationProfMATSUI Tetsuya
Insect Functional Regulation (NARO)ProfTABATA Jun
Forest Genetics and Ecology for Sustainable Tropical Forest ManagementProfTANI Naoki