
The Mater’s Program in Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology aims to cultivate researchers and highly trained professionals with research ability and abundant knowledge fundamental to the Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology, principally based on agronomy, biological sciences, environmental sciences, environmental engineering, and social sciences for agriculture and forestry.

This program consists of 4 domains and 2 courses that are different in terms of their major theoretical and practical methodologies. Four domains are divided into Agro-biological Science, Agricultural Economics and Sociology, Applied Biochemistry, and Bioresource Environment Engineering. Each domain consists of very wide array of the relevant scientific fields from basic to applied aspects relating the characteristics of each domain. Biosystem course discloses a concept of post-biotechnology, and aims at achieving an education/research system to create opportunities for students that they can learn multi-processes from biological resources and biological functions to create harmony between life industry and biological society. Besides these 4 domains and 1 course, a new course program for foreign students, “Sustainable rural development”, was worked out since August, 2006, under the collaboration with JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency) which provides practical and theological trainings concerning stable food production and supply, and alleviation of poverty in the student’s home country.

In addition, a new “International Collaborative Expert Education Program for Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development” aims the education for the foreign students to be the experts in agricultural and rural development through our own program and those in the linkage with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), International Institutions and the partner universities, contributing ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) for the degree of master’s and the subsequent doctor’s.